Thursday, January 22, 2009

Flight Attendant Friday

I cannot believe another Friday has rolled around and it's time for "Flight Attendant Friday" again. I hope you're not to disappointed.......I've had a really bad last 24 hours. I flew to Dallas Tuesday afternoon because I had recurrent training on Wednesday. All went really well. Recurrent was good. I was able to catch the 3:15 p.m. flight back to Little Rock and I arrived at home about 6:00. My hero had a WONDERFUL dinner prepared for me and all was well.......until I turned my computer on. GROWL!!!! There were lines and stripes all over my screen. I nearly went into a tail spin. I called Best Buy and they say it sounds like my LCD screen was going out. OK, how much! Probably $500. WHAT!!!! No way.....oh yes, way!

Anywoo......guess who has a new computer tonight. Long story short.......I travel with my computer everytime I work. It makes me feel connected to home and I NEVER, EVER let it out of my sight. I carry it in a padded bag inside another bag with a shoulder strap and I never let the shuttle driver put in back with crew luggage, it always rides up front with me and I also never put it in the overhead bin. I always put it in the flight attendant storage when I'm on the plane.

WELL, yesterday I was in a tiz and stuck it in my roller bag, yep I did it and a sweet pilot offered to place my luggage up in the overhead bin and yep I let him! Well, you know the rest. It's history, broken beyond mistake and sometimes mistakes are costly. So after a quick trip to Little Rock and $800 poorer here I am again with a NEW computer that will NEVER be touched by another soul other than me! LOL!

OK, now that I have that off my chest. I was going to talk about training this week, however, it's getting late so I thought I would leave you with one of the perks of my job.........

My neice Cindy, Taylor Swift & me

Ya never know who ya might run into. And let me tell you she is a DOLL!!! This was taken about 2 years ago. We picked Taylor up in Nashville and took her to Baltimore where she was opening I believe in Pennsylvania the next night for George Strait. She's come along way since then, hasn't she?
Until next week..........stay safe in your travels!


Kayla said...

Wow, I bet you don't do that one again! So sorry that happened!!

Anonymous said...

So very sorry about your computer Becky. I love hearing about your career and seeing your photos - very interesting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

MiMi said...

Sorry to hear about your computer! I am enjoying hearing about your "celebrity" job! How cool that you get to meet so many special people. Taylor Swift is such a pretty girl, isn't she?

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend!

Jacquie said...

Poor computer. But, now you have a NEW one!!!

I'll be looking forward to next Friday. Have a great weekend, friend.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

So sorry about your computer. I bet you are just lost without it! Great picture of you and your niece with Taylor Swift!

The picture of your yard in warmer weather was amazing! You have created a beautiful sanctuary! I'm ready for warmer weather also! :)

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouraging comments! My family and I really appreciate them! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Susie said...

Well I am so glad you got a new computer. How aggravating that that happened.

Bo said...

Hi...oh the misery of losing not one but two computers! Ouch! I saw 3 beautiful blondes in your photo!
;-) Bo

Christi @ Writing the Waves said...

Sorry about the unexpected expenses, but then again, who doesn't LOVE a shiny new computer!?!

My daughter would have LOVED squeezing in on that picture of you and your niece with Taylor Swift!

Faith said...

Oh, so sorry about the computer, but yay for a new one!

Love the pic of you with Taylor fun!!

Unknown said...

So sorry about your computer but I know what you mean. I baby my laptop also and am afraid to let anyone mess with it when I travel. But it's nice to have a brand new one. Cool photoand fun!

Unknown said...

BUMMER about your computer! You're lucky you could get a new one right away....I would have been S.O.L.

Cute pic of your three hot blonds!

Unknown said...

I don't think I've been on your blog before!

Sounds like you have a really fun job! Sorry about the computer...I know how you feel. I've very dependent on mine.

:) Diane

Kelley said...

I hate to hear that about your computer. I enjoy reading about your travels. It is really neat the people you have met with this. I also think it is cool you overcame your fear of flying.

Justabeachkat said...

Ouch! That's a costly mistake! Yikes!

Cute photo with Taylor Swift. I really love her songs.


nikkicrumpet said...

YIKES sorry about your computer. That really bites!!! But getting a new one is always fun lol. And very cool that you met Taylor Swift...I just love her...she is so dang cute and I really enjoy her music! I have several songs of hers on my player.

Nancy Rosalina said... that hurt...$800! But you did get a new toy out of! Loooove these Flight Attendant Fridays! Blessings to you, Nancy

Anonymous said...

What an exciting job you have! Sorry to hear about your computer.