Thursday, May 27, 2010

Booby Smash Time #11

Yep, you know what I did today! Don't forget your yearly mammogram and your monthly self-exams!


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Becky! I have to laugh at your post title! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Justabeachkat said...

So glad you're getting your mammograms!

Mine saved my life.


Susie said...

I know you had a good time doing that!!!

Jacquie said...

Got tickled when I saw your title!! Good for you!

Hope you and Alvin have a FUN Memorial Day weekend!!

His Doorkeeper said...

Got mine done a few weeks ago and love to breathe a little easier when the results come back "OK" !!

Have a great holiday week-end!

petrii said...

Way to go Becky!!! Every woman needs to make sure that she stays up on this. I had a friend who died of breast cancer. She was not quite a year older than me. I miss her.

Thank you for the reminder. I have mine in September.

Have a Blessed week,