Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
My overnights this week included Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon. Nothing too exciting happened. However, I did fly with my neice Cindy, which is always fun. Let's see if my memory serves me. We were delayed out of Dallas the first day, so we got into Austin an hour and a half late. Everything was pretty much on schedule all day Sunday. On our van ride to the hotel in Portland we met another crew who are based in Chicago. Everyone came to my room for mid- afternoon snacks, then we all split. Some went shopping (yep, that would be Cindy and myself), some worked out, and a couple took a nap. Told ya nothing too exciting this week. Maybe next week with be more exciting. Until then, stay safe.........
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy 36th Valentines Day To The One I Luv
Thirty six years ago Alvin and I had our first date. WOW!! How time flys when you are having fun. Alot has changed since he gave me the above card 36 years ago. First, the card says "Because You Are So Nice". Is that not hilarious! Secondly, the card cost 50 cents. You can't buy anything for 50 cents now. And lastly, the postage stamp was 8 cents! That's right 8 CENTS!! Sorry I got off the subject of Luv. Yes, I suppose we were biten by the Luv bug, because hey, we are still here and we haven't killed each other yet. Seriously, Alvin is the greatet guy in the world. He is patient (he has to be to put of with me), he's kind, the greatest dad and Pop in the world, and he has the GREATEST sense of humor. I luv you Alvin. Happy 36th!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Glad to be back in the south
Greers Ferry Lake
(Bet you didn't know it was shaped like an
(Bet you didn't know it was shaped like an
Aladdin's Lamp)
Burrrrr! It is so cold here in Newport today (even though the sun is out). Alvin and I are neither one fans of winter. Give us both good ole heat, humidity and of course Greers Ferry Lake to bask in and we are golden. I got back in from my two day trip last night and was I ever ready to get back home. As most of you know I am based out of Dallas. When I left Dallas Monday afternoon the temp was around 50 degrees which is ok. I went from there to New Orleans where the temp was 72 and onto Orlando, temp 76, on to Baltimore (can't remember temp, but wasn't too bad and then to DETROIT!!! OH, MY GOSH!! Anyone wanna guess? How about 3 below, yup that's right and that isn't even with the wind chill, feels like or whatever they call it factor. Try 17 below zero, my teeth are chattering right now just thinking about it. I cannot even imagine living up North, of course after talking to my passengers from Detroit yesterday they said the same thing about living in the South. Whatever floats your boat! As for the Mullins' family, including our two daughters, we vote for warm weather.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Flying With The One You Luv
This weeks overnites included St. Louis and Manchester. I had the priviledge of flying with my daughter, Casey. To say the least, we had a BLAST!!!!! St. Louis was stormy, however, it didn't keep us from shopping at the mall. At one point we actually thought we heard a tornado (scary), but it wasn't (thank goodness)! Manchester on the other hand was snowy and cold (burr). We arrived into Manchester just in time for lunch. They had a wonderful buffet set up, so of course we had to participate. We had decided to work out after lunch, however, that didn't happen. Why you ask? Well by the time we had lunch, dessert, two cups of coffee and alot of mindless chatter it was time for a nap. HA!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Welcome To My Office
I truly have an amazing view from my office at 37,000 ft. Most of the time I don't realize I am on an airplane flying 550 plus miles an hour. But, when I do glance out and this is what I see. WOW is sometimes all I can say, usually followed by how can some people believe there is no God!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
50 Sucks or does it?
Bouquet used in skit
Tonight Alvin & I attended one of my dearest friends Teresa's 50th suprise birthday party. We had such a wonderful time visiting with everyone. During the evening a couple of our friends put on a skit about getting older. It was hilarious! I believe most people dread turning 50, but as I think about my 50th birthday, I truly embraced it. Wow, what a wonderful year it was. You see, not only did I become a Mimi, but I also started a new chapter in my life. I never dreamed when I sent in my resume to become a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines that they would actually interview me let alone hire me. So to me turning 50 did not suck!
Friday, February 1, 2008
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